Monday, January 5, 2015

Sem-1 course Details

Course No. : SS ZG519

Course Title : Data Structure and Algorithms Design

Course Description
Introduction to Abstract Data Types, Data structures and Algorithms; Analysis of Algorithms – Time and Space Complexity, Complexity Notation, Solving Recurrence Relations.; Divide-and-Conquer as a Design Technique; Recursion – Design of Recursive Functions / Procedures, Tail Recursion, Conversion of Recursive Functions to Iterative Form. Linear data structures – Lists, Access Restricted Lists (Stacks and Queues) – Implementation using Arrays and Linked Lists; Searching and Order Queries. Sorting – Sorting Algorithms (Online vs. Offline, In-memory vs. External, In-space vs. Out-of-space, QuickSort and Randomization). Unordered Collections: Hashtables (Separate Chaining vs. Open Addressing, Probing, Rehashing). Binary Trees – Tree Traversals. Partially Ordered Collections: Search Trees and Height Balanced Search Trees, Heaps and Priority Queues. Algorithm Design: Greedy Algorithms and Dynamic Programming. Graphs and Graph Algorithms: Representation schemes, Problems on Directed Graphs (Reachability and Strong Connectivity, Traversals, Transitive Closure. Directed Acyclic Graphs - Topological Sorting), Problems on Weighted Graphs (Shortest Paths. Spanning Trees). Introduction to Complexity Classes (P and NP) and NP-completeness. NP-Hard problems. Designing Algorithms for Hard Problems – Backtracking, Branch-and-Bound, and Approximation Algorithms.
Scope and Objective

To enable the student to develop different algorithms for a given situation, to test their validity, measure their complexity and analyze the performance (if necessary by simulation). To introduce techniques for designing data structures and algorithms.

Prescribed Text Book

T1 Sahni, Sartaj, Data Structures, Algorithms and Application in C++, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2000 (Also in Books 24 x 7 Online Digital Library)


Course No. : SS ZG518

Course Title : Database Design and Application

Course Description
DBMS architecture; Data models; ER and EER modeling; Relational data model; ER/EER to relational mapping; Query Languages for relational model; Database design; Data storage and indexing techniques; Query processing , query optimization and database tuning; Transaction processing; Concurrency control; Recovery; Database security; Practical database design and UML; XML.

Scope and Objective

This course is about the concepts of database systems and software that manage them. We study the basics of database systems in the context of Relational data model. This course imparts knowledge on conceptual database design, ER to relational mapping rules, and query languages for relational model. We study important concepts like - Schema refinement and normalization, query optimization, indexing, transaction processing and concurrency control, recovery, database design practices, data security and XML. With this, a student will gain sufficient knowledge to design a database for his application.

Prescribe Text Book
T1.Elmasri & Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson Education, 5th Edition, 2007 

Course No. : SS ZG514

Course Title : Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Course Description:

Object orientation concepts, theories and principles; Fundamental concepts of the object model; classes, objects, methods and messages, encapsulation and inheritance, interface and implementation, reuse and extension of classes, inheritance and polymorphism; Process of object-oriented requirements specification, analysis and design; Notations for object-oriented analysis and design; Case studies and applications using some object oriented programming languages.

Scope and Objectives

To enable the student to understand and apply the OOAD concepts and UML techniques to any software development effort

Prescribed Text Book
  1. Larman, Craig, Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development, Pearson Education, 3nd Ed., 2004.
Course No. : SS ZG562
Course Title : Software Engineering & Management

Course Description

Current concepts, methods, techniques, and tools of the software engineering; software process models; process definition and assessment; requirements analysis and specification, software architecture and design; quality assurance and testing; software measurement and metrics; project planning, estimation and control; case studies and project work.

Scope and Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
  1. Apply software engineering practices to develop, test and implement a variety of software systems.
  2. Manage software projects in a way that will lead to timely delivery of high-quality products.
Prescribed Text Book

T1 Pressman, R.S., Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, MGHISE, 7th Ed., 2010  

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