Wednesday, September 24, 2014


1.Analysis classes evolve into
Select one:
a. Design classes
b. Use-case realizations
c. Design packages
d. Architecture

2.Activity diagrams CANNOT be used in the following situation :
Select one:
a. Analyzing a use case
b. Understanding workflow
c. Describing a complicated sequential algorithm
d. Representing complex conditional logic

3.For showing scenarios, which one of the following OOAD artifacts is the MOST useful?
Select one:
a. Class Diagrams
b. Activity Diagrams
c. Use Cases
d. State Diagrams

4.Which of the following are the phases of the unified process
Select one:
a. Inception, Analysis, Construction, Implementation
b. Inception, Elaboration, Construction, Transition
c. Initiation, Elaboration, Construction, Implementation
d. Initiation, Analysis Construction, Transition

5.In UML diagram of a class
Select one:
a. State of object cannot be represented
b. State is irrelevant
c. State is represented as an attribute
d. State is represented as a result of an operation

6.Which two statements are true about use-case realization? (I) It lists the different steps performed by a use-case. (II) It provides traceability from Analysis and Design back to requirements. (III) It is created by the System Analyst. (IV) It describes the use-case in terms of collaborating objects.
Select one:
a. I, II
b. II, IV
c. III, IV
d. I, IV

7.In a sequence diagram, what can be defined by the interactions between participants in the interactions?
Select one:
a. Only services provided by an interface
b. Only services required by an interface
c. Both provided and required services for interfaces
d. The name of the interface

8.Which of the following is most true about UML.
Select one:
a. UML is use case centric
b. UML uses Use Cases sometimes but not always
c. Use cases are only used if there is a misunderstanding in requirements
d. Use cases are only used as support to the data dictionary

9.An object is selected for modeling a system provided
Select one:
a. Its attributes are invariant during operation of the system
b. Its attributes change during operation of the system
c. It has numerous attributes
d. It has no attributes relevant to the system

10.A use case diagram is all of the following EXCEPT
Select one:
a. A formal way of representing how a business system interacts with its environment
b. Definition of the workflows of the unified process
c. Illustration of the activities that are performed by the users of the system
d. A scenario-based technique in the UML
e. A sequence of actions a system performs that yields a valuable result for a particular actor

11.Objects selected to model a system (I) must be essential for functioning of the system (II) must have all attributes which are invariant during operations of a system (III) must have attributes relevant for performing services of object (IV) must be able to perform assigned services
Select one:
a. I, II, III
b. II, III, IV
c. I, III, IV
d. I, II, III, IV

12.When you want to look at the behavior of a single object across many use cases, which one of the following OOAD artifacts is the MOST useful?
Select one:
a. Activity Diagrams
b. State Diagrams
c. Class Diagrams
d. Sequence Diagrams

13.During Use Case Analysis, why are analysis mechanisms used?
Select one:
a. To reduce complexity and improve consistency by providing a shorthand representation for complex behavior
b. To simplify the task of creating use-case realizations by providing convenient shorthand for repetitive tasks
c. To gather common tasks into one place, in order to more easily assign them to developers for implementation
d. To verify that designers have performed the analysis task correctly, according to the architects recommendations

14.In a State Diagram, which of the following is true?
Select one:
a. Actions are associated with transition and are considered to be processes that occur quickly and are not interruptible.
b. Actions are associated with transition and are considered to be processes that occur quickly and are interruptible.
c. Activities are associated with transition that occur quickly and are not interruptible.
d. Activities are associated with states and can take longer. An activity cannot be interrupted by any event.

15.What are analysis classes?
Select one:
a. Early conjectures on the composition of the system that usually change over time, rarely surviving intact into Implementation
b. Incomplete classes that require a programmer to formalize operation signatures and attribute types before they can be implemented
c. The classes inside a systems Business Object or Domain Model, in UML form
d. A prototype of a systems user interface, developed during the Analysis Phase, which allows users to define the systems look and feel

16.The primary purpose of a class diagram is
Select one:
a. To construct a vocabulary that is understood by both the users and analysts.
b. To show the users interaction with the system
c. To uncover additional details such as attributes and methods of a class
d. Model the interaction between the system and its environment

17.Objects are:
Select one:
a. Tangible entities
b. Intangible entities
c. Transient entities
d. Uniquely identifiable

d)  but given a,b,d are true in npetl doc but strong answer is d
18.An update operation in an object instance
Select one:
a. Updates the class
b. Has no side effects
c. Deletes an instance
d. Alters values of attribute(s) of an object instance

19.An object is considered an external entity in object-oriented modeling
Select one:
a. Its attributes are invariant during operation of the system
b. Its attributes change during operation of the system
c. It has numerous attributes
d. It has no attributes relevant to the system

20.Which of the following Is NOT in the Inception phase of the Unified Process
Select one:
a. Identify various attributes and methods of a class
b. Create a business case for the proposed system
c. Do a feasibility analysis for the proposed system
d. Perform business modeling

21.In Object-Oriented system, the class is a basic unit. Therefore the localization is based on:
Select one:
a. Objects
b. Methods
c. Messages
d. Polymorphism

22.The property of being self-contained unit is called
Select one:
a. Relationship
b. Object identity
c. Encapsulation
d. Persistence

23.UML stands for
Select one:
a. Universal Metadata Language
b. Universal Modeling Language
c. Unified Micro Language
d. Unified Modeling Language

24.Subtyping can be implemented by :
Select one:
a. Subclassing
b. Delegation
c. "A" only
d. Both "A" and "B"

25.The idea of placing data and the processes (methods) that operate on the data into the same object is referred to as _________________
Select one:
a. Information Hiding
b. Polymorphism
c. Object Binding
d. Encapsulation
e. Inheritance


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